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Support Policies
04 June

Create Course on Parho.co

Instructor Guide to Course Creation Instructors can create courses, lessons, quizzes, and questions. Below is the instructor’s backend interface: 1. Create A Course The instructor can create a course in the following way: Please go to Dashboard => Learnpress => …

04 June

How to create an instructor profile?

To create an instructor profile on Parho.co is an easy step. There are couple of steps to follow and you will create a profile that will help you market yourself and your courses. Steps to follow Profile Page General Settings …

Support Policies
13 May

Student Experience Checklist

Professionalism Audio Quality Clarity and Consistency Minimal Background Noise Absence of Distortions Engagement and Attention Accessibility Professionalism Feedback Mechanism Technical Support Continuous Improvement Student’s Point of View on Course Audio Quality Video Quality Student Experience Checklist: Course Video Quality Resolution …

Support Policies
13 May

Course Recording Setup List

Setting up a recording space for creating course content requires attention to detail to ensure high-quality audio and video production. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you set up your recording space effectively: Choose a Suitable Location Acoustic Treatment Lighting …

Become an Instructor Course Quality Checklist
13 May

Course Quality Checklist

Creating a minimum course quality checklist for a course involves considering various aspects to ensure that the course meets certain standards and adequately prepares students for learning. Here’s a comprehensive checklist you might consider: Course Title and Description Learning Objectives …

Support Policies
11 May

General Template of Course Outline

Here’s a general template of course outline that can be used for any course offered in an educational marketplace. Course Title:[Enter Course Title Here] Course Description:[Provide a brief overview of the course content, objectives, and target audience.] Learning Objectives:Upon completion …

Support Policies
10 May

What sections consists in course outline?

Organize your curriculum effectively with our Course Outline Sections. Streamline content delivery for enhanced learning outcomes! Course outlines typically include several key sections to provide a comprehensive overview of the course content and structure. Here are the common sections found …